Temporary assignments are a great networking tool

Be at the right place at the right time
Not only are you generating income but you have the opportunity to meet hiring managers and other professionals in your field. Sometimes just being in the right place at the right time presents opportunities that otherwise you would not have had.
Opportunity is around the corner
Follow the procedures below for a successful assignment
Dress Professionally:
Be conservative. Trendy colors or attire should be reserved for after hours. First impressions are the most important!
Arrive Early:
Arrive at least 15 minutes before your assignment begins. Get directions and plan your route allowing ample travel time. Late arrival for an assignment is NEVER excusable.
Greet everyone with a smile:
Introduce yourself with a firm handshake (but don’t break their hand), and let them know you are from Staffing Resources of Miami.
Inform us of your arrival:
Call your coordinator to let them know you have arrived.
Call us in case of problems:
Our answering machine is on 24 hours. If you should run into any difficulties arriving to your assignment, call us As Soon As Possible!
Always be of service:
If you find yourself with nothing to do, ask your supervisor if there is anything you can do for them. Don’t wait for them to come to you, you go to them.
Remember to take your time sheet with you:
Have it signed by your supervisor at the end of the week or the end of your assignment, and email it to sandi@srmiami.com so we can start to process your pay.
Inform us at the end of your assignment:
If it is the end of your assignment, call your coordinator and let them know you have finished and when you will be available for your next assignment.
Always do your best:
You never know what opportunities may lay ahead.