Plan Ahead
Do a little homework! Research the company online and also the position if possible. Review your work experiences. Be ready to support past career accomplishments with specific information targeted towards the position you are interviewing for. Have your facts ready!
Business Suit
Always dress for Success! First impressions are the most important. And make sure to wear your Smile!
Arrive on time
At least 15 minutes before your interview. Get directions and plan your route allowing ample travel time. Late arrival for a job interview is NEVER excusable.
Greet everyone with a smile and a firm handshake (but don’t break their hand). Introduce yourself, and let them know you are from Staffing Resources of Miami.
When filling out the application, fill it out neatly and completely. The way a person fills out an application can say a lot about them.
Don't chew gum!
Keep your eye on the prize.
Be Positive
During the interview always talk positive. Try not to talk about negative situations.
Eye Contact
Maintain eye contact with your interviewer. Show you want the job by your interest in what he/she is saying.
Ask for It:
If this is a position that you want, before you leave, ask for it and then thank them for the interview.
Follow up
After the interview write them a thank you letter or email for the interview and again, let them know you want the position.
Call us
Please call your coordinator after the interview!
We're rooting for you
We’ll be supporting you through every step of the process. Let’s do this.